The Persistence Of Memory (apologies to Dali)
But there was this one film called From Beyond and for some really strange reason, I have always remembered it. The film was a adaptation of an H.P. Lovecraft book, and loosely tied in with the whole Re-Animator series. I never saw any of the Re-Animator films, so I didn't really have any reference to the actors, plots, filmmakers, etc...The only thing I knew was that these movies always followed the same basic cliched format: the protagonist -usually a doctor, or some pretty woman, would invariably disturb some kind of mechanism, or mess around with an experiment, and hence a antagonist would materialize to wreak havoc on a small town, or a laboratory/hospital type location.
Well, in this film that's pretty much what happens. So, when Kirk wanted to rent this I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. As I remember, the film progressed and had its fair share of cheesy chills and thrills. But, somewhere in the middle of the film it shifts, and for a little bit it almost becomes a soft porn. The pretty woman protagonist, who I found out is an actress named Barbara Crampton, becomes possessed (this is never really explained) and she proceeds to put on a bondage type of outfit and prances around a bit. She messes with the other protagonist, who had sustained an earlier injury, by trying to seduce him a little bit. In the context of the film this scene makes no sense at all. However, to my young and naive eyes, this was the best scene I had ever watched in a movie. Man, I didn't know what to think. I was excited and dumbfounded as to why this movie had a scene like that. Only years later did I realize that the other main ingredient in '80s horror films was a little bit of the ol' T&A.
So after watching From Beyond, I didn't care about the film itself, only that one scene. I always remembered it, and I always knew it'd be in the video store if I hungered for any "visual stimuli". It was nice because I was too young and too scared to buy real porn at the liquor store, but I wasn't too young or embarrassed to rent this movie - which looked like a really bad horror movie as indicated by the artwork on the box. Ahhh, the treasure that was hidden just about thirty-five minutes into the movie. Suffice to say, the fast-forward and pause button was in constant use while watching From Beyond.
It's funny, just recently I was at the video store and happened to notice a copy of From Beyond in the horror section. I laughed to myself and thought of my youth - how much I didn't know in those days, how shy and naive I was back then. I started to walk away, but decided to reach down and pick up the box. For some reason, I found myself at the checkout counter with the video in my hands - along with new DVD's of actual films I wanted to see. "What the hell" I thought, as weird little smirk came across my face. I drove home and prepared to fire up the ol' VCR and have the fast-forward and pause buttons ready to go. Good times, good times.