
Out of the granite and into the green

Monday, March 12, 2007

Are you prepared to save the...

These strange and vivid "choking victim" posters appear at virtually every eatery in NYC. Some look a bit different than the one above, but they all basically convey the same thing: if somebody, anybody chokes in your presence, it is YOUR responsibility to save them. How fucked up is that? Talk about putting the pressure on going out to eat. Not only do you have to wait hours to sit in little cramped dining spaces, and spend exorbitant amounts of money on food that isn't even that great, you also just might have to save that big lard-ass sitting at the table next to you because he engulfed his steak too fast and started choking. I ask one question: should I be responsible for people who are in too much of a hurry to not chew their food properly? Answer: no.
I do not agree with this city's fascination in getting things done quickly. It is a major societal flaw in my book, and it extends into the population's eating habits. I've seen men crossing busy city streets trying to cram down a pizza slice while smoking, drinking coffee, and talking on their cell phones all at the same time. If he chokes, fuck 'em, he'll learn next time not to try and do a million things at once, if there is a next time.
So, I guess it makes sense why city officials would want to put these things up for all to see. Others cities in the nation don't have these ridiculous things posted everywhere. Only here in New York. New Yorker's pride themselves on being efficient, even if it means almost choking to death because you have no time to sit, relax, and eat like a human being.
I especially love the background image on the poster of what appears to be a pregnant belly with fish bones and a lemon wedged in there. Once again, NYC is one fucked up place, sheeesh. But you should still visit to see these things first hand. Truly unbelievable.


  • At 6:15 AM , Blogger Lefty said...

    "If somebody, anybody chokes in your presence, it is YOUR responsibility to save them." Why, yes, in my opinion, it is. I've seen you, Mr. Morninghater, manage to choke on *water*, for Pete's sake, and if you were dining out in Manhattan and started choking, I'd hope a concerned diner nearby would come to your aid.
    Those choking posters are some of my favorite things about New York. If you are waiting for a table, they are excellent to stare at. There's another, older design with great sketches of choking victims that I prefer to the fish-belly exaple you share here.
    Are we beholden to our fellow humans? Must we help them when they are dying, if all that it takes is a simple thrust of the fist to the tummy? No, but I think most any good person would. No wonder your life is so shitty: your karma is crap.

  • At 7:46 AM , Blogger Joe said...

    The ironic thing about all of this is that nobody in New York helps anyone, ESPECIALLY if they were choking to death. That is why I think it is funny that the posters are even up. Anyway, I just thought the posters were so odd, and surreal in their own way.


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