
Out of the granite and into the green

Monday, May 09, 2005

Some Chaos...

This is "Some Chaos" Kinda ugly, huh? Well, yes, and no, 'cause there is beauty in ugliness, defects in perfection, maybe. Once I saw a film called Julian Donkey Boy, where the main character Julian (played by Spud from Trainspotting) is schizophrenic, and in one scene he recites a poem at the dinner table while his dad (played by Werner Herzog) sits in a daze as he listens to Julian spewing his nonsense. The scene went something like this:
Julian: "Morning chaos, afternoon chaos, night chaos, morning chaos, afternoon chaos, night chaos..."
Dad (W. Herzog): "I don't like this artsy-fartsy stuff, your poem is boring, Julian. I know a great story, from the film Dirty Harry. It is the part where Dirty Harry is pointing his gun at the man in the end and says to him 'Make my day, punk' and he blows him away into the water. I truly like that."
This piece kind of reminds me of something that Julian might construct while reciting his poem over and over again to himself.


  • At 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Julian was truly onto something there....

    And so was ol' Werner....


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