
Out of the granite and into the green

Monday, April 04, 2005

This is "Separator" it kind of reminds me of the human cadavers that are plastecized and on display in science museums across the world (I think there may be currently in SF???). Anyway, I love this exhibit because all of these teachers take their classes to see it, and they think it is going to be some kind of really great discovery for the kids, but what ends up happening is that the kids get sick to their stomachs. They don't realize (and the teachers too) that these plastecized pieces are actually DEAD human beings, I mean real humans that have given their bodies over to science for study, etc... Kids need to get a little sick these days, too safe out there for them, danger is everywhere! Start by checking out the "Separator" one of these fine Saturday afternoons in the springtime. It's coming soon, or sooner than you want anything to come. Don't worry, though, no dead bodies will be found at my place. Hehehehe...  Posted by Hello


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