
Out of the granite and into the green

Friday, March 11, 2005

Clarity Overrides

Too much clarity in this day.
All of a sudden things got bright.
I'm still pining for some coverage,
at least while stuck here.

"Oh it's so beautiful outside, oh it is so nice!"
Everyone is saying. "Oh shut up" I say, because
I'm getting tired of hearing the same setinments
regarding the weather today. Don't people have
anything better to talk about?

When things become too bright in the mid-day
it makes me sad. I don't know why I feel this way.
I grew up in a town where I was constantly bombarded
by the harshest rays of light. This light, over time,
became too much and I moved - at least far enough away
so that it wouldn't be as constant.

But this is California, and even if I'm far enough North, the light
still has intense clarity. This clarity reminds of the desolate open spaces
that I once inhabited:

The dry and cracked ground, metal burning to the touch.

Shade providing little comfort, while mirages waver like teasing pools in the distance.

Sweating while thinking, thinking and melting, moving slowly, never ending daylight.

And night finally creeping in, with it the promise of something cool, but never for too long.


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